Skyler Martz
Art has always been something I have enjoyed, I have been drawing since I was 4. While I am an engineer by trade, I also studied Photoshop to learn how to edit my photos taken on my Canon. Engineering and art bring out my creative side!
A Little About Me
I evolved from crayon and pencil drawings in my earlier years to charcoal, water color, and acrylic paintings.
More recently, I have taken up jewelry making with wire and crystals to make beautiful gifts for family and friends. I have also taken my artistic talent to the workshop (thanks to my talented woodworker boyfriend), and have been trying my hand at resin and wood working that includes pendants and rings.
Art has always been a passion of mine and I look forward to teaching and creating new pieces of artwork with you!
Let’s Do Art Together!
Online Gallery
Purchasing art at this site helps to support local artists and our art community in general. It also helps Chartiers Creek Creative continue to offer a diverse class lineup that everyone in our community can benefit from participating in, regardless of skill level.
My Education
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
BE Mechanical Engineering, 2019
Chartiers Valley High School
Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, 2015
My Experience
Job 1
Title & Dates
Title & Dates
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